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MSU Pharmacy Offers Syncrx Prescription Refill Program

March 21, 2018

According to The American Pharmacists Association, retired Americans over the age of 60 with chronic medical conditions such as: diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol, fill an average of four prescriptions every month. When medications must be refilled at different times of the month, people are much more likely to miss a dose. It also means that these same people may need to travel up to four times a month to the pharmacy to get the prescriptions.

Therefore, to increase the odds medications will be taken as prescribed, the HealthTeam Pharmacies at the Clinical Center and Olin are working with insurance plans to offer our MSU patients a service which synchronizes medication refill dates.

Imagine. Fewer trips to the pharmacy!

How the SyncRx program works

Each month or every 90 days, the pharmacy will review your profile in advance to ensure refills are available on prescriptions, resolve any insurance issues and make sure the medications are in stock. When it is time for your medications to be filled, they will be prepared and you will be notified to pick them up. It’s a better experience for you and helps avoid missed doses.

Exclusions to the program

Not all medications are eligible for the synchronization program, though. As-needed drugs for pain or medications such as antibiotics, designed for only short-term use, are excluded. Other products, such as inhalers or eye drops, might not be available for partial fills.  The pharmacy staff member calling you at your monthly or 90-day call, will ask you about these medications to help reduce your visit to the pharmacy. 

Here for you

The HealthTeam pharmacies are committed to the success of this program.  We value our customer’s needs in aligning medications to gain time, cost savings, and minimize any complication to missing a dose. Please contact a pharmacy staff member to learn more about SyncRx.

Clinical Center Pharmacy- 517-353-4930

Olin Pharmacy-517-353-9165

Visit the MSU HealthTeam pharmacy site to learn more about all of our pharmacy services.